Saturday directions from Chelmsford

Little Hyde Hall, Sawbridgeworth directions from A1060 Chelmsford

Take A1060 in the direction of Sawbridgeworth / Bishops Stortford.

Go straight on through Hatfield Heath, towards Sawbridgeworth.

 After you pass under the M11, look out for Little Hyde Hall on your right.

There are green signs on the verge that say Little Hyde Hall  NOT GREAT HYDE HALL , THAT IS FURTHER DOWN THE ROAD, DO NOT GO TO GREAT HYDE HALL .

When you reach Little Hyde Hall park in one of the many parking places without blocking access to any doors / units, either to the left or to the right. Walk towards the back right hand side of the site,  heading away from the main road, with the motorway on your right, you’ll see a small green / yellow sign saying “SHOOT” & another small sign asking you to walk around the field directly in front of you, we are in the woods, next to the motorway on your right.  Do not drive on  to the field.